Welcome to our exhibition : adapt

adapt: to become adjusted to new conditions

A reflective exhibition of works by studio and associate members in our Studio Gallery, considering how our work, processes or thinking has helped us adapt to change or has changed due to new unsteady futures. Sharing the strange and relatable things which give us strength as artists, makers and documenters.

This exhibit was a ‘work in progress’ in itself and slowly evolved over the 10 day period from the 28th Nov to the 6th Dec. With more works, recordings and installations being added virtually, and physically at the studio gallery.

Click on links to artist’s profiles, sound files and videos and leave comments or ask questions below at the bottom of this page, we would love to hear from people who have visited!

The exhibition was open to the public physically from the 2nd-6th Dec after Lockdown restrictions were lifted. It has now been taken down but the virtual exhibit will remain and we may add to it occasionally.


Artists Videos & Recordings


‘A Home In Isolation' by the Neoteric Dance Company, is a short dance film which explores the impact that the Coronavirus is having on both the artists that make up Neoteric Dance Company, coupled with the experiences held by other freelance and independent artists.

Each dancer created and filmed their solos in the safety of their own homes, in a space that best reflects their current situation. These were then woven together to share a combined narrative. This project was completely created through email and video correspondence, with non of the artists having a chance to work with one another or to see each others movement contributions.

At the point of this short film being made NDC had one dancer with the virus, one was stuck outside the UK, some had to self isolate due to underlying health issues and one was pregnant.

The spoken word artist created a short poem that incorporated not only her experiences, but those of participants, who left their thoughts, feelings and movement suggestions on a comment thread on FB.

A musician offered us some music that he felt best reflected the current situation and which perfectly linked with the dancers movements.

'A Home In Isolation' is merely a marker of what many may be feeling and hopes to be a piece that supports the viewers in knowing they are not alone, that in isolation there are still ways to be connected to others whilst opening up a platform for conversations to take place. To find out more about NDC, or to be involved in upcoming projects please visit www.neotericdancecompany.com or on FB /IG @NeotericDanceCompany

‘I’m saying something’ by Eirwyn Souter Rees

‘Migration’ by Karen Goonewardene.

Karen took the opportunity this year to adapt her practice and create this exciting new series of sculptures, Timelines. Mapping the journeys we have taken in 2020, twisting, turning, changing, going back on ourselves, adapting, accepting, progressing, reverting, yet continuously evolving into something new, Timelines marks a point in time from where new beginnings emerge.

'Silver Lining' by Karen Goonewardene. Part of Timelines, a new series of abstract sculptures.

"Painting in 3 dimensions, sculpting in colour"

Hand Carved Oolitic Limestone Egg by Karen Goonewardene

Participating artists:

Karen Goonewardene, Aniko Dioszegi, Emma Souter, Laura Murphy, Kate Pullan, Yolande Nye, Becky Colwell, gé_workshop, Magda Kozarzewska, Jo Ferguson (CrackPotJo), Tim Steward, Emma Dickson (Neoteric Dance Company), Kristina Paxton, Chris West and Eirwyn Souter Rees.

Thank you for visiting. We would love to hear your comments.

(Remember you can visit in person from the 2nd Dec)