Dare we dream of a truly open studios this Artweeks?

Dare we dream of a truly Open Studios being a reality in May this year? Well Yes! 11 of our studio and associate members are boldly closing their eyes and hoping a little more freedom really is on the April horizon. We want to see people and we want to share our work and studios. Maybe we’re deluded, but perhaps thats hope for you. Unless its absolutely, categorically hopeless it leaves a room to dream.

Open studios traditionally means physically opening our doors, but what if thats not possible? Thankfully the virtual world is an open one, where viruses spread, but not to the same detriment. Oxfordshire Artweeks did a great job last year turning a physical exhibit, virtual. An exhibit reaching out and opening further than it ever has before. Virtual is not just a back up. It can open doors. It is real. But perhaps its just not the real we really dream for (Especially when craving ‘face to face’ experiences and have had our fill of ‘facetime’). But no matter how you look at it, we have a greater opportunity to create options as a participant than if we are not.

Proud to say that taking part this year are Karen Goonewardene, Emma Dickson, Magda Kozarzewska, Aniko Dioszegi, Emma Souter, Kate Pullan, Juliet Goodman, Yolande Nye, Kristina Paxton, Ge-Workshop and Laura Murphy.

We are really looking forward to showing people around our studios in May, virtually from the 1st and (fingers crossed) physically from the 15th-23rd.

(Promotional Artweeks content will be added at www.ayreshousestudios.co.uk/artweeks-2021 and at Oxfordshire Artweeks from March 1st. Or on instagram @ayreshousestudios and @oxfordshireartweeks . Please follow Artweeks to stay up to date with exhibitors accross the county)


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Fingers crossed for Artists Studios in 2021