Good News for Christmas Shoppers in Wallingford

Shop local, feel festive, get great unique gifts & support local artists.

Although our market on the 29th Nov has been cancelled, our Christmas Makers Market on the 6th Dec is going ahead as part of our Winter Arts Festival and Oxfordshire Artweeks.

It has gated entry to Ayres Yard and a maximum number will be allowed in at one time to help ensure social distancing. We do have a booking system so you can book a time slot for you and up to 4 people from your bubble to avoid waiting and queuing, but people can turn up on the day. There will be a one way system in place and we are asking everyone to wear face masks and use hand gel. We are asking for donations on the gate, but it doesnt matter if its a penny or £5, we would really just like you to join us.

We will be sharing work from our stallholders over the next few weeks. Please take a look and follow to stay up to date with news.

*The asterix is in the event that we have to cancel due to Covid or lockdown restrictions. The market will then become virtual through social media, link sharing and our online shop; so you can still browse and shop safely. (Fingers crossed it can go ahead in the physical world though).


'adapt' is now live! Grab a glass of something, we can pretend its a private view.


Well this has put the cat among the pigeons