William Mackenzie


William has been a practicing artist since 2014. Specialising in oils he paints primarily landscapes and still life. Paul Nash and Sonia Dalaunay are his main influences.

His paintings often incorporate vibrant colours, juxtaposing elements such as the natural and urban, water and buildings, plants and rocks, or monochrome and colour. William has a particular interest in archeological sites and ceramics, which he collects. These both feature heavily in his work.

William likes to incorporate humour into his work either directly or in the way subjects are depicted. In addition William like to explore textures. He does this either in the way the paint is applied or the use of different surfaces such as wood, cardboard, rough gesso on different surfaces or more novel elements like small leaves of paper stuck onto other surfaces.

William has exhibited extensively both in group and solo shows. His work is in a number of private collections and he is the winner of the Radcliffe Chambers Prize for best oil painting in 2021.

E: williamjmackenzie@gmail.com




Josie Clouting


Philippa Macarthur