Contact us


T: 01865 819869 (Adumbration Arts Ltd)

For contact details of individual artists, please see their Studio Artists or Associate Artists page.

Address: Ayres House Studios, Ayres Yard, Station Rd, Wallingford, Oxon. OX10 0JZ.

Visitor information

Opening hours: As individually advertised for studio events and exhibitions. Visitors are welcome outside of these times by appointment. Please contact directly the artist you are interested in visiting or email

Directions: Ayres Yard can be hard to spot from the road, turn in between the petrol station and ‘Keri' the Florist’ on Station Rd (Don’t rely on the sat nav). MAP

Parking: Available to the gravelled area at the front of Ayres House on Ayres Yard. (If there are no spaces available, their are 3 central car parks, approximately 2 mins flat walk from the studios).

Wheelchair Access: Available to the ground floor. There are 2 steps into the building, with portable ramps available. Parking area laid to gravel.

Disabilities or Special Considerations: If you have or are visiting with someone who requires special consideration, for whatever reason, please call ahead to discuss your requirements. We will do whatever we can to assist.

Toilet facilities: Available on the ground floor. It has 1 step and is therefore not wheelchair friendly. Public facilities are also available, approximately 2 mins walk from the studios.

Inclusivity improvements: Ayres House is an old building and therefore not designed with considerations to accessibility or inclusivity in mind. We apologize to any artists or visitors whose use of the building is limited by this. We are working towards finding, funding and making improvements in this area.

Covid -19: Please do not come to an event or visit the studios if you suspect you have Coronavirus or are testing positive. If you are attending a workshop you may be asked to test the morning before attending. As facemasks are no longer compulsory, we recommend FFP3,FFP2,N95 or surgical masks which offer greater protection for those who choose to wear them. Hand gel is available.